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Volcanic Activity
On your trip from Kahului Airport to Volcanos National Park, you will encounter pineapple fields, rugged coastlines, waterfalls, rain forests, movie stars' homes, and smooth, North- Easterly trade winds and the Amazing Volcanos National Park.
1) Kahului Airport: This busy Class-C airport is the home of Maui Aviators, LLC. Kahului Airport is famous for its gusty trade winds that blow through the valley created by 10,000 foot mount Haleakala to the East and the 6,000 foot West Maui Mountains to the West. You will be sharing the field with numerous tour helicopters, inter-island commuters and jets, heavy jets such as mainland-bound 777s, 767s, 757s, 717s, and numerous business jets. Prior to departure, pick up your ATIS on 128.6, call for clearance on 120.6, and switch to Maui Ground when you are ready to taxi for departure.
2) Paia ("Pie-ee-ah") town. Departing Kahului Airport, you will turn North and follow the shoreline to Opana Point. On your way you will pass Paia Town, a gentrified sugar plantation town that was once the population center of Maui. Paia is home to numerous restaurants and shops, and hosts visitors from all over the world who come to windsurf at nearby beaches and enjoy Paia's bohemian life style. After Paia you will see world famous Hookipa Beach Park, home of international wind-surfing competitions.

3) Haiku ("Hi-koo") and Opana ("Oh-pah-nah") Point. After Hookipa, the landscape becomes increasing rural. The geometric patterns in the pineapple fields will immediately catch your eye. Scattered among the hills and valleys, you will see numerous homes and several small farms and ranches. Offshore you may see shoals of fish, turtles, dolphins, and whales, all of which can be spotted in Maui's clear-blue near shore waters. The Eastern extremity of the pineapple fields marks Opana point, which is just inside the North-Eastern limit of Kahului Class-C airspace. At this point, Maui Departure will terminate its radar coverage of your flight and you can begin your CTAF position reporting on 120.65. Be sure to ask your instructor for the pronunciations of the local reporting points. Along the coast set your altitude in accordance with Hawaii's local 'hemispheric rule'. East bound VFR flights at or below 3000 feet generally fly at 1,500', and 2,500'. However, note that most of the tour helicopters and several hapless fixed wing pilots do not abide by this rule and there have been several near-misses, so keep your eyes open.

4) Huelo ("hoo-ay-low"), Hole-in-the-Rock, Jurassic Rock. Flying along the coast you will pass several homes, some of which are perched right on the edge of the sea cliffs. Several famous personalities inhabit Maui's North Shore, including Sammy Hagar, the late George Harrison, Jim Neighbors, and Kristoffer Kristoffersen. Where the houses end and the rain forest begins demarks the end of Huelo. Down on the coastline, you will pass the curious rock formation known as "Hole-in-the-Rock", followed by Jurassic Rock, which you may recognize from the movie of the same name. Thereafter you will pass beautiful Honomanu Bay, followed by Keanae Peninsula. It is not uncommon to see dolphins in Honomanu bay, but lookout for the overhead power lines and the steeply rising terrain if you venture too far in-shore.

5) Keanae ("K.N.I.") Peninsula. Jutting out from the coastline the prominent Keanae Peninsula is easily spotted. You will see the taro paddies here that have been harvested since pre-contact times. Also note the various water-falls, some of which "fall up" due to the strong trade winds. On a clear day you can see right up into Haleakala crater, where the Apollo Astronauts trained for the moon missions.

6) "Harrison's" and "the Heiau". The next prominent landmark used by the local aviators for a reporting point is the late Beatle George Harrison's house (Papiha Point). It looks like a cliff-top golf course and is a good place to begin your descent into Hana ("hah-nah"), which is clearly visible by now. Just past Harrison's you will see a large black stone platform that stands out from the surrounding rain forest. This is a sacred ancient Pi'ilanihale Heiau ("Pee-ee-la-knee Hey-Ow!") and is a good line-up for your downwind when in left traffic for Hana's runway 8.

7) Hana Airport. Hana airport is an uncontrolled airport that services isolated Hana town. Many tour helicopters stop in Hana for lunch, or to drop off and pick up guests, so keep your eyes and ears open. Also, there is a powered hang glider based out of Hana conducting introductory lessons. He does have a radio on board, but can make some surprising unannounced appearances. Usually the winds favor runway 8, but be sure to over-fly the field at about 1,500' to observe the winds on the ground, and to make sure there are no cows, wild boars, or lawn mowers on the field. Pattern altitude is 800' and runway 8 uses left traffic.

Hana airport's luxurious ground facilities include a pay phone, soda machine, a drinking fountain, and restrooms. No fuel is available.
8) Hana ("Hah-nah") Bay. Proceeding south from Hana Airport you will see the sleepy little town of Hana on the slopes overlooking tranquil Hana bay. It takes about 2-3 hours to get to Hana by car from Kahului. You have made it in 20 minutes. In Hana you will see the Hotel Travasaa Hana Maui, Hana Ranch, and several historical and ancient Hawaiian sites.

9) Hamoa ("Ha-mow-ah") Beach. Nestled behind the ancient cinder cone called Makaalae by the Hawaiians is the tiny surfing beach of Hamoa. Nearby you will see the old church where Charles Lindbergh is buried. Look up the slopes and you'll probably catch a glimpse of the several water falls that cascade down Haleakala's Eastern slopes.

10) Ohe'o ("Oh-hay-oh") Gulch. Commonly and erroneously known as "Seven Sacred Pools", Kipahulu stream, with its numerous water falls and swimming holes contains dozens of pools, none of which were ever sacred. You will see travelers worn-out from the half-day long drive resting their weary bones beside the waters of this Federal park which also hosts a drive-up camp site.

11) Alenuihaha ("Ah-Lay-new-e-ha-ha") Channel. Before leaving the Maui coast for the Big Island of Hawaii dial in Upolu VOR 112.3 and track direct to the VOR or the 338 degree radial (158 heading to to the station). The UPP 338 Radial will take you right to Upolu Airport.
12) Upolu Air Port. As you near the shoreline you will see the wind mill farm which lies just to the south east of the field. Be sure to monitor the CTAF 122.9 for local traffic when transiting the area.

13) Hawi (Ha-vee). After Upolu Airport you will pass the town of Hawi the birth place of King Kamehameha I. Hawi is the turnaround point for the Ironman World Championship Triathlon. It is the northernmost point on the bicycle leg, where athletes return to the finish line at Kamakahonu in Kailua-Kona. Monitor local traffic on ITAF (island traffic advisory frequency 127.05 along the coast unitl outside of Hilo Airport

14) Waipio (Why-Pee-Oh) Valley. Following the high sea cliffs after leaving Hawi you will fly past the beautiful Waipio Valley. "Waipiʻo" means "curved water" in the Hawaiian language. It was the capital and permanent residence of many early Hawaiian aliʻi (kings) up until the time of King ʻUmi. The valley floor at sea level is almost 2,000 ft (610 m) below the surrounding terrain.

15) Hāmākua (Ha-Ma-Koo-Ah) coast is approximately 50 miles long, begining at Waipiʻo Valley and the uninhabited Waimanu Valley. The term Hāmākua Coast is used loosely to describe the region between Hilo and Waipiʻo. The rainfall due to the prevailing northeasterly tropical trade winds produces steep erosional valleys and cliffs, showing evidence of frequent landslides. The lush vegetation and lack of sandy beaches contrasts sharply with other regions of the island

16) Laupāhoehoe (La-aw-pa-ho-e-ho-e) The community's name means "lava tip" and refers to the angular lava tip or cape formed by ancient pāhoehoe (smooth lava) flows which created the cape on which the community was built.

17) Hilo (Hee-Low) Airport. Soon after you are past Laupahoehoe tune in Hilo ATIS 126.4 and then call Hilo approach on 119.7 with the current ATIS and request a transition to the south or east if you want to go around Cape Kumakahi on the east tip of the island.If you want to stretch your legs and make a rest stop request a full stop and park at transient parking with Hilo tower. A short walk from transient parking is Ken's House of Pancakes or call a cab and head in to town for more dinning options.
Over Hilo Airport looking down runway 8 toward the East. YOU MUST REFUEL AT HILO AIRPORT BEFORE HEADING BACK TO KAHULUI MAUI

18) Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, established in 1916, is a United States National Park located in the U.S. State of Hawaii on the island of Hawaii. It encompasses two active volcanoes: Kīlauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes
19.Kilauea Crater has a tfr starting at the surface and goes up 4000 feet, the lake of lava is only visible from above because the park is closed for walking up to the edge of the crater.

20. The vent is where you will get a strong smell of sulfur and if you are real lucky you will get to see lava flowing out like the photo below.

21. And the steam is an amazing place where you can see the river of lava flowing into the water but the river of lava has moved towards pahoa and has taken over part of the town