Maui Aviators, LLC is conveniently located at Kahului Airport, a bustling Class-C Airspace facility in the heart of Maui County. We share the runway with Boeing 777s, 767s, 757s, 717s, and many other large aircraft as well as general aviation, helicopter, and private business aircraft. If you get lost, call us at 871-6990 for directions.
Our gps location
20-53-55.09 N
156-25-34.33 W
(Not A Mailing Adress)
East Ramp Kahului Airport
Building 411 Hanger 109
Kahului HI, 96732

We're easy to find, just aim for the Kahului control tower. We're just North of it, at the end of the road. Parking is on the right and the gate is on the left.

This is the gate that you will have to pass through to get to our hangar, which is visible in the background. Stand in front of the gate and do your best wild goose impersonation to get our attention. (due to security we have to let you in and out of gate) Yes, that is the Kahului Control Tower in the background.

From Kihei/ Makena
Take Piilani Highway (31) to Mokulele Highway (311), heading North.
Turn right on Ho'okele St right befor Zippy's Resturaunt.
At the next traffic light (Haleakala Highway, rt. 37) turn left.
Turn right at the first stop sign.
Take the second left (Eena Road) and follow it all the way until it dead-ends.
Proceed straight ahead through the intersection of Puunene Avenue and Dairy Road.
At the next traffic light (Haleakala Highway, rt. 37) turn left.
Turn right at the first stop sign.
Take the second left (Eena Road) and follow it all the way until it dead-ends.
Park in parking stall. Maui Aviators is located in the hangar immediately across from the gate.