At Maui aviators each of our customers receive personalized training and superior service. Since we are not a large "pilot factory" operation, we can teach each student as an individual with patience and care. A very high standard of safety is maintained throughout all stages of training as we help you reach a level of knowledge and skill far above the minimum standards required by regulations. You will have access to some of Hawaii's finest flight instructors and great trade winds for those cross wind landings
61.57(d) does not stipulate a minimum time requirement for the IPC, a good rule of thumb is to plan at least 90 minutes of ground time and at least two hours of flight time for a solid evaluation of your instrument flying knowledge and skills. Depending on your level of instrument experience and currency, you may want to plan on two or more separate sessions to complete an IPC
Maui Aviators IPC
Step 1. Study and Preparation
61.57 Recency of experience
91.3 PIC responsibility and authority
91.103 Preflight actions
AIM Midical facts for pilots
91.167 Fuel requiremts
91.171 Equipment check (VOR)
91.185 IFR two radio communications failure
91.187 Malfunction reports
91.205 Required instruments and equipment
91.207 ELT
91.209 Aircraft lights
91.213 Inoperative instruments and equipment
91.411 Altimerter and pitot-static system tests
91.413 ATC transponder tests
15. 91.123 ATC instructions
16. 91.169 IFR flight plan
17. 91.173 ATC clearance and flight plan
18. 91.175 TO and LDG in IFR
19. 91.177 Minimum IFR altitudes
20. 91.179 IFR cruising altitudes
21. 91.181 Course to be flown
22. 91.183 IFR two-way communications
23. AIM 1 Navigation aids
24. AIM 4 Air traffic control
25. AIM 5 Air traffic proceedures
26. AIM 6 Emergency prodedures
27. AIM 5-6 National security and interception prodedures
Cross-Country Flight Plan Assignment
Plan and file a one way IFR flight to another airport
Review all elements required by 91.103
Rewiew appropriate instrument departure, arrival, enroute, and approach proceedures
Planning should be based on a standard weather briefing for the day of the discussion
Step 2 Ground Review
Discuss the following topics for planned flight
Weather for arrival and departure airport
Required equipment for proposed flight
Discuss equipment failures, appropriate pilot response, required reports
Alternate requirments
Approach lighting
Holding proceedures
Risk Management (PAVE checklist)
Instrument departures, Obstacle Departure Procedures, Standard Instrument Departure Procedures
9. Airways and Route Systems
10. Loss of two way radio
11. Loss of avionics /equipment
12. Standard Terminal Arrival Procedures
13. Instrument approach procedurs
14. Missed approach procedures
Step 3 Flight Activities
Depart on filed IFR flght plan
Diversion scenario due to weather, or mechanical
Choose an alternate
Precision approach
Non precision approach
Circling apprach
8. Missed approach
9. Loss of primary flight instruments
10. Unusual attitude recovery
Step 4 Post Flight Debriefing
Replay the flight
Reconstruct: what could have or should have been done differently
Reflect: what did you learn, asses you performance,
Were you within PTS standards
Step 5 Instrument Practice Plan
Personal Minimums Checklist
Instrument Proficiency Practice Plan
Training plan