"Quality Flight Depends On Quality Instruction"
At Maui aviators each of our customers receive personalized training and superior service. Since we are not a large "pilot factory" operation, we can teach each student as an individual with patience and care. A very high standard of safety is maintained throughout all stages of training as we help you reach a level of knowledge and skill far above the minimum standards required by regulations. You will have access to some of Hawaii's finest flight instructors and great trade winds for those cross wind landings.
Available Online
Sport / Private Pilot Course
"To most people, the sky is the limit. To those who love aviation, the sky is home." – Anon
Have you dreamt of becoming a pilot? Make it a reality! Cessna proudly announces an all new scenario-based flight training course, developed exclusively for Cessna by the experts at King Schools. This web-based course provides everything you need to obtain your Sport or Private Pilot Certificate. It’s been designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to embrace your future in aviation.
This course is for the pilot who is training in either a technically-advanced full-glass cockpit airplane or in an airplane with analog gauges. The training includes videos and full-motion diagrams of the course material, plus a complete FAA knowledge exam review program—and it’s available anywhere you have Internet access. Your personal login will maintain a record of which sessions you have completed and will allow you to continue where you left off if you are interrupted. And the course never expires, so you’ll have access to all of the in-depth knowledge sessions and flight previews and can review important topics well after you have completed your training.
Order now and we will send you a customized Cessna training kit that will include everything you need to begin your journey toward achieving a pilot’s certificate. Then you too can call the sky home.

Instrument Rating Course
"Instrument flying is trusting vision beyond sight." – Martha King You planned a great trip to an exciting destination—but travel day turned up overcast and drizzly. You canceled because of weather, again—if only you had your Instrument rating. Now Cessna Pilot Centers make it easier to accomplish that challenging goal, with a comprehensive program that is rewarding—and downright fun! Once you obtain your Instrument rating, you’ll be a safer, more competent pilot. Unexpected clouds will become less daunting, and you’ll enjoy flying more-even in VFR! You’ll have earned the right to pierce the clouds, to bask in the glorious sunshine hidden from those you left below. And you’ll think… “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” The training includes multi-media lessons, followed by fun, interactive questions, and flight-preview videos for every skill you will master—plus a complete FAA knowledge exam review program—and it’s available anywhere you have Internet access. Your personal login will maintain a record of which sessions you have completed and will allow you to continue where you left off when you return. And your course never expires, so you’ll have access to all of the in-depth knowledge sessions and flight previews and can review important topics even after you have completed your training. Order now and you will receive a customized Cessna training kit that will include everything you need to begin your journey toward achieving your Instrument rating. It’s what you’ve been waiting for. So start today and reward yourself with the freedom you deserve. Get your Instrument rating and you’ll be soaring above the clouds! For more information, visit your local Cessna Pilot Center (click to find nearest), or call King Schools at 800-854-1001. One great feature of this course is the ability to watch each task you will perform with stunning in-flight video before you show up for your lesson. Your video instructor will walk you through everything you need to know to immediately feel comfortable in the airplane. We call these Flight Previews. Click here to see a sampling of Flight Previews from the Cessna Instrument Rating Course in HD-Video..

Commercial Pilot Kit—Cleared for Hire
Even if it’s not your career goal to be a professional pilot, the skills you will learn in earning your Commercial Pilot Certificate will make you a more skilled and capable pilot. This training course will teach you the substantial skills and knowledge you need to be certified by the FAA to carry passengers and cargo for hire.
Ground Schools Lessons: Each computer lesson lays out the ground school basics.
Fun, Interactive Questions: Your computer will quiz you on the material. Answer correctly and you move along to the next lesson. Answer incorrectly and you get a quick refresher.
Here's What You Get...
Online Cleared for Hire - Commercial Pilot Course
Online Cleared for Hire Syllabus
Online Personalized Graduation Certificate, suitable for framing
Online Making Your Own Rules Course
Kneeboard with IFR Aluminum Clipboard
Flight Planning Organizer Pad
VFR/IFR Cockpit Card
Airspace & Communications Cockpit Card
Online FAR/AIM

Cleared for Multi-Engines
your multi-engine rating course
Preview and understand each maneuver required for your multi-engine training. It’s no secret, multi-engine aircraft are fast and they are fun. With greater power, bigger size and more levers, knobs, and dials—twin-engine airplanes can deliver a thrill way beyond the pleasure of single-engine flight. But we all know flying a twin aircraft can be dangerous if you are not properly trained and proficient.
See Every Step in Managing an Engine Failure
You will learn everything you will be required to demonstrate in your practical test with video that virtually puts you in the pilot's seat. John will even walk you through a complete engine failure step-by-step. You'll watch as a propeller feathers and spins to a stop in the air! John will then take you through the proper steps to establish safe single-engine flight and then secure and restart the engine.
Ensure You Are Prepared
Multi-Engine Flying covers topics including the theory of single-engine flight, normal and single-engine flying, instrument flying, cross-country flying and preparing for your checkride. This course not only gives you the basic skills for stepping up to multi-engine flight—it polishes your airmanship and helps you make a seamless transition, as you become the obvious master of the aircraft.
You'll Understand...
The aerodynamics of single-engine flight in a twin
Why it is important to "raise the dead" when you have an engine failure
What a twin-engine airplane can do on one engine—and what it can't
How to maintain control while getting max performance on one engine
How to deal with an engine failure on takeoff
How to handle emergencies you might encounter (even a few you may never have thought about)